The peppers are growing well too but are still too small to pick. Sadly, the cantaloupe plants are blooming, but no fruit has set on yet. The plants are looking pretty droopy and ragged, so it's likely they won't survive to bear fruit. At least the fruit lady comes regularly and sells us her cantaloupes!
We have been enjoying conference very much this weekend. On Saturday we walked to MacDonalds for a Big Mac between sessions. Gary brought along the camera and got some good pictures of and from the pedestrian overpass we cross to get to the other side of Vista Hermosa, the busy street that runs past the temple.
This is the temple from part way up the stairs to the overpass. This is the back of the temple. In the left background you can see across the street where a Shell station sits on the corner. Above it you can see a large building. That is the CCM (MTC).
This is a shot of the overpass bridge from the first landing of the stairs. Dorine is standing on the bridge. You can see the cars going under the bridge. The street is really busy, so the Church built the overpass for the safety of the people coming to the temple.
Gary got this shot of Moroni framed by the trees from the bridge.
He took another shot on our way back home. It is a really inspiring view from up there!
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