Sunday, August 10, 2014

August 10

It's not been a particularly eventful week, but here are three things Dorine found to be thankful for!

1.  Sister Barney, the wife in our newest missionary couple, wrote this poem for her and sent it in an e-mail..

 Dear Hermana Eberhard,

 It gave me such security,
 When doing my work last night,
 To know you were there to help
 I felt your shining light.

 I notice your light each day I serve,
 And even out and about,
 So thanks for your sweet goodness
 Of which there is no doubt.

 I want to be more like you
 To speak good of everyone.
 To be supportive, kind, and good--
 To be more like The Son.

 With gratitude and love,
 Hermana Barney

  2.  Our tomato plant is blooming!!!!

 3.  Caught Gary in one of his many loving acts of service.  What a great husband!!

  Life is good!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog, but this comment area isn't cooperating with me!
