Sunday, November 9, 2014

First Week of November

Hello!  It's already November???

On Monday Gary couldn't wait any longer to set up our Christmas tree, so we had great fun putting up our little "Charlie Brown" tree for our Guatemala Christmas.  Look how cute!

The snowman dances to "Frosty the Snowman".  He is so cute, we can't stop putting him down on the floor and squeezing his hand to make him dance.  His personality makes our tree so much cuter!!

On Friday we celebrated Dorine's birthday with a breakfast at San Martin.  It was yummy!
 Dorine's breakfast:  Scrambled eggs with onions, peppers, etc, fried plantains, and refried black beans along with a glass of mandarin orange juice. 
Gary's breakfast of eggs sunny side up on top of quesadilla with ham and cheese, plantains, and refried beans with regular orange juice.   The bowl between the two plates was filled with various breads.  We ate way too much!  We also went into the bakery and bought some rolls to make sandwiches for lunch. 

 We love to sit in the outdoor section of the restaurant where the air is so fresh and pleasant this time of year.  The veranda is surrounded by clear plastic walls, so you can see the view outside. 
 On the way home, since we had the camera along, we had to take some pictures of the shrubbery along the way.  Don't know the name of these plants, but they are always so pretty!
 This bougainvillea is spilling over the back fence of the CCM (MTC).  We see it all over the place. 
 At the outer gate to our casa Dorine poses with the fuschia we picked up at Vivero's to hang in our patio.
And, inside the above gate we are welcomed by the front courtyard with it's gorgeous hanging ferns and other  flowering and nonflowering plants.  Above the wall, to the back, you can see ripe oranges on the tree in the lot next door.  They look so tempting, but they are out of reach.  We have picked some mandarin oranges from the miniature tree in our back garden though! 

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