Sunday, August 3, 2014

First Week of August

 Not a lot going on right now that is interesting enough to blog, but we did finally remember to take out the camera when the fruit lady came.  She comes with these two who we think are her sons, every Wednesday and often on Saturday too.  She has her little pickup filled with fruit for sale.
She has pineapple, bananas, plantains, oranges, mangoes, apples, peeled coconuts, melons, cantaloups, peaches and other fruits we've never seen before and can't identify.  Sometimes we get brave and try something new, but mostly we stick to the known and loved.  We love all the fresh fruit and eat a lot of it!
 And, while we're talking about produce, here is our little vegetable garden.  The tomato plant is big enough that we bought a dowel and staked it up.  We aren't sure if it is blooming or not.  There are some little green pods forming that might be blossoms and might not.  They don't look like our normal tomato blossoms, so we just keep watching and hoping!
 These are two pepper plants that we planted from the seeds of an orange bell pepper that we bought.
 Here's our cantaloupe plants from a cantaloup we bought from the fruit lady.
And these are most likely weeds in the pot where we planted cucumber seeds that looked like they probably weren't ripe enough to grow into a plant.  But we'll stay optimistic and see what grows.  All our plants could be hybrids, but we have both grown gardens for so many years that we don't know how not to!!

But, just you don't think our diet is entirely healthy fruits and vegetables, here is our contribution to the "break the fast" we're attending in a couple of house.  You can see where a "little mouse" couldn't resist tasting!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I see where the mouse has been. There are 2 of those at my house, but they are small. :-D
